PHNX Boards

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PHNX Boards is an innovative snowboard company that makes all-in-one backyard snowboards that can be used anywhere there is a hill and some snow. The snowboards are based on the original Snurfer and don’t require any additional equipment, like special boots or bindings.

This was

The Problem

PHNX Boards has a challenging road in an increasingly saturated snowboard market. Their snowboard is unique because there are no other products in between cheap plastic sleds and expensive resort-style snowboards, however, they must compete against both ends of the spectrum. They approached HSM to start an ad campaign that would help put their boards in front of their target market; people who want to snowboard without spending hundreds of dollars or having to travel to resorts.

This was

Our Solution

Utilizing both Google and Facebook we brought a multi-pronged approach to our campaign for PHNX Boards. With both, we were able to drill down and target small groups of people who were interested in snowboarding but lived far away from resorts. PHNX Boards’ market is simultaneously broad – adults in their 50’s who grew up with Snurfers and kids today who want to learn to snowboard – and narrow because the product just launched and will likely be adopted by the niche of people willing to try something new. We navigated this bifurcated marketplace and were able to acquire data that will help PHNX Boards better-position their product and sell their unique snowboards each year.

Here are

The Results

Our ad campaign generated hundreds of new visits to the site and drove hundreds of new Facebook fans for the company, demonstrating people’s interest in this exciting new product. On top of new sales some interesting statistics include:


Search visibility

Time on site

Monthly sales

HSM did a great job with our Winter campaign and "End of Season" sale. The data that we got back revealed a lot about our product which should set us up really well for next season.

Steve Geiger, Founder

Stop playing hide & seek with your customers.

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